The combination of the Internet of Things and the blockchain technology was one that was welcomed by many, however, while the new blockchain-based IoT systems were functional, it was discovered that there were different problems that affected the system, and to tackle these problems, a newer technological innovation was created, and this one is called “IOTW”.
The IoT industry needs to experience some changes in its system of operations, and while other blockchain based IoT systems have failed to totally deal with the issues surrounding the system. The new IoT blockchain created is bound to cause a paradigm shift in the operational structure of the traditional IoT. IOTW was created with amazing features that make it stand out above all other IoT systems. Joining the IOTW blockchain system has been made very easy, and the process basically involves downloading IOTW software, which will grant the user access to the blockchain ecosystem. The DPS chips that are also part of the IOTW system will further enhance the system and make it possible for every electrical appliance to be an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem, and by using the DPS chips, consumers and manufacturers will be in a better position to get real benefits (both crypto and economic).
Unlike so many other IoT systems, the IOTW blockchain ecosystem will function based on the usage of the IOTW coins for the exchange of value on the platform. Service providers on the IOTW blockchain network will have the opportunity to easily make bids for different projects, and manufacturers will also be able to launch their products, and also create some competition with other big manufacturers. Many of these features offered by the IOTW network are absent in traditional systems, and that is a clear indication that the IOTW is bringing a new kind of experience to the IOT system. IOTW based devices and electrical appliances are in for enjoyable moments on the network, as they will be partakers in the mining activities that will take place the moment they turn their DPS chipped electrical appliances. Also, the IOTW blockchain ecosystem will be responsible for the collection of data concerning the amount of energy consumed to study consumers’ and manufacturers’ power consumption behaviors, which will be essential when planning a commercial, the data collection will also be used for planning smart cities.
At the moment, there are no other systems that have half as many benefits and solutions of the IOTW systems, and this is due the fact that the team behind IOTW have had years of experience in related fields, and the team have also taken their time to study the shortcomings of the other blockchain based IOT systems. Going by the features of the IOTW, it is clear that IOTW will be one formidable force to reckon with in the IoT industry.
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