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Cex-Io Established in 2013, it has become a multi-functional cryptocurrency exchange, trusted by over 250,000 users. CEX.IO is brought brought by the team of behind the largest Bitcoin Mining Pool — GHash.IO, which now counts 50 employees and 40 remote contractors from all over the world.Through our activity, we aim to improve the current platform for trading cryptocurrencies and commodities, establish a fair market price for Bitcoin mining power, spread the Bitcoin knowledge and ideology, actively participate in the Bitcoin community and contribute to it in every possible way.

As an exchange, CEX.IO has a wide variety of trading pairs and claims to be the easiest way to trade cryptocurrencies, as well as store them safely in a cold storage. Bitcoin Cloud Mining is a brand new concept, according to which all the mining hardware is installed in a secure data-centre, properly maintained by professional technical staff. Therefore, CEX.IO users avoid all the problems regarding personal mining hardware acquisition (shipping delays, complicated setup and maintenance etc.) and start mining Bitcoins right after purchasing GHS. GHS (GigaHashes per second) Trading stands for buying and selling Bitcoin mining power. Since we believe that Bitcoin mining facilities are to be sold fairly, the GHS price is based only on the correlation between supply and demand. CEX.IO has shared credentials with GHash.io. Such scheme allows simultaneous trading and mining using just one account. With CEX.IO you can trade while you mine and mine while you trade!

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Fees (%): 0.2
Address: CEX.IO LTD

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